The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."  Thomas Edison

We love what we do and it shows. With more than 30 years of teaching experience, we are still excited to understand more about how we learn and to help students become lifelong learners. There’s no challenge too big or too small, and we dedicate our utmost energy to strategize and support every student to a personal breakthrough.


We work to get success in the classroom-supporting the students with homework while addressing the learning gaps as they are revealed. We know the power of regular reinforcement and review so we build a one page report with each session to support the habit of 15 min of daily practice. 

Specialized support

Fiona is an Ontario certified secondary school teacher with 30  years of  teaching experience. She oversees a comprehensive individualized plan for each tutoring student with trained university tutors with subject specific skills. Proven student success thorough tutoring for over 10 years.
Fiona is an Ontario certified secondary school teacher with 30  years of  teaching experience. She oversees a comprehensive individualized plan for each tutoring student with trained university tutors with subject specific skills. Proven student success thorough tutoring for over 10 years.

Leveraging In-class Instruction

We support students within classroom success first while tailoring solutions as gaps are identified. 
We support students within classroom success first while tailoring solutions as gaps are identified. 

Ensuring a Strong Foundation

When gaps emerge, strategies and reinforcement are put in place to fill those gaps to build the strong foundation in a mastery based learning approach. 
When gaps emerge, strategies and reinforcement are put in place to fill those gaps to build the strong foundation in a mastery based learning approach. 

Customized Learning Plan to
Address Gaps

Every student is unique. That’s why we customize a learning plan to fit each students' needs. Input and feedback is invited and observed in a continuous feedback loop. This feedback informs strategies that are modelled, practiced, coached and supported with the best resources each cued up in the session report, received for the next day so student can implement the strategy into habit with daily reinforcement. This is our winning formula. It works.
Every student is unique. That’s why we customize a learning plan to fit each students' needs. Input and feedback is invited and observed in a continuous feedback loop. This feedback informs strategies that are modelled, practiced, coached and supported with the best resources each cued up in the session report, received for the next day so student can implement the strategy into habit with daily reinforcement. This is our winning formula. It works.

Meet Fiona

Hi I’m Fiona and I am an Ontario Certified Secondary School teacher with 30 years experience. I teach in the classroom and in the outdoors as a wilderness and whitewater instructor. I have taught as a homeschool teacher and mother of 4 now adult university graduates. 

I love learning and I am passionate about helping students and parents learn how they learn, for students to be successful in the classroom. With the confidence that accompanies success, and an understanding of how they can achieve it, we know each student can reach their potential.

Meet Our Tutors

We are invested in your success. We know what it's like to press in on a goal and to get a breakthrough. It's hard work and it's worth it. It's empowering. One success leads to the next one and so on..until success becomes the pattern. We get excited when you get a breakthrough. It's why we love our role. It's why we invest ourselves in your success. 

The students love working with our tutors because our tutors love working with them!

Done wonders for her self esteem.

His kind, gentle and supportive approach has done wonders for Riley's self-esteem.
Jean Downs, Parent Grade 5 student
The tutors here helped my daughters with math during the school year and they adapted well to continue the lessons online during covid restrictions.
Dave McKay, Parent, Gd 8,10 students

We Get Results!

Study skills become a habit. Participation increases in the classroom. You step towards new challenges. Your grades go up. You get more confident. Your friends start asking for your help!

Expert Team

We pair each student with a subject expert tutor. The student is supported in context, one strategy at a time; given practical relevant solutions that unpack learning success.

Quality Guaranteed

You’ll find the support you need to ensure progress. Continual student, parent and teacher feedback informs the strategy for each session in a continuous feedback loop.


We are happy to help and partner with you to support your student's success
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