"I am still learning." Michelangelo, age 87 

We are constantly scouring business, academic, and up to date research so YOU don't have to!

Plan for learning-together
5 tips for success

How to plan WITH your child for their success. Firstly, their voice in 'how' is key. Secondly, you need to lead the plan-as you have wisdom as 'their best parent'. As they understand how they learn best-you can partner with them in how to set up and adjust the plan for success. You can do it! You know your student-We can help you make a plan for their success and support them forward to results using our one on one support and weekly summary report with specific designed tasks to bring weaknesses to mastery.
  1. Connect todays actions with future results. 
  2. Do yourself a favour, establish a routine.
  3. Invite student in the 'How' - give choice.
  4. Measure success to celebrate progress daily.
  5. You don't need to do this alone!

Power of 'Not Yet'... Rewarding a Growth Mindset

Effort will produce results.  Let's reward activity-the not yet.
Growth mindset studies the effects of rewarding effort in students who are more likely to take on a challenge and have growth mindsets focused on what they can do to grow as opposed to a fixed mindset that focus only on what you know now.

Mastery-building a solid foundation

Let's focus on mastery-not just test scores
Building a strong house begins with the foundation.  Skills for academic success are the product of solid foundational skills.  Mastery-based learning focuses on building strong base skills which one can build upon for a strong future.  We utilize khan materials and supports to help students master their fundamentals for a strong future.

Grit-The Power of Passion and Perseverence

Failure is one step on the road to success
Learning from the little mistakes, one at a time, builds our resilience.  This grown resilience allows us to face the bigger challenges of the future with grit and perseverance. We know its not the end. We don't need to be anxious.  We have overcome obstacles before. We are stronger because of it.  Unlock grit with passion for our future and the knowledge that we need to persevere to achieve it.

Additional Resources 

Online Tutoring

We use google meet for 'Face to Face' one on one tutoring with shared whiteboard and screen so  both tutor and student can write and solve on the same screen. These powerful observations can quickly give tutors insights as to where and how to support. 
Plus+worksheets screen captures can easily be inserted into shared whiteboards to collaborate in learning and problem solving.

Regular Diagnostics

One on one observation from a tutor mentor is powerful 
With ongoing diagnostics to measure results  that inform strategies paired with the growing understanding of  'how' each child is uniquely learning produce results we love to celebrate

We are here to help

Regular support emails and resources provide relevant timely supports for students and parents supporting students.

Interested in our services? We’re here to help!

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